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About School


C.D.S. Bandaheri was established in 2015 in the memory of Chaudhary Dalbir Singh to commemorate his contributions to Society. A world class quality education is the aim and slogan of institute. To meet this objective and to realize full potential of children, a well furnished school Plant with latest infrastructure has been planned. The School has approximately 4.25 acres of land for its future extension. Wide, lush green attractive lawns and spacious play grounds are the main centers of attraction to boost quality learning environment on the school campus. Well equipped class rooms and A class sanitation are being provided. With the blending of the traditional chalk and talk method and latest technology, we impart education to children which emphasizes not upon what to learn but how to learn. The school has a highly competent and dedicated team of teachers who are committed to set the examples of values .Teachers are role models and ideals for the students. With the play way, phonemic awareness and theme based method of teaching in pre-primary, we move on to the interdisciplinary approach based on the guidelines of NCERT/CBSE regarding curriculum for primary and senior students. The School has spacious and well ventilated Science Lab , Computer Lab and Library. Equipped with the latest system, the abacus is very much in tune with the time. Apart from effectively adding in teaching and updated methodology, we at CDS International strive hard to expose the latest technology and skills to the students.

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Principal's Message


The school creates quality learning opportunities which prepare children to shape their lives for higher education and responsible citizenship. We in a child-friendly and pollution free environment of C.D.S. International school aim at comprehensive development of an individual.Our school is committed to academic achievement and excellence along with character building. An institution known for exploration and experimentation, dedicated and devoted to shape lives of future leaders. We nourish an environment in which a student discovers and realizes full potential. C.D.S. International focuses on attracting best talent, aims at devising strategies on knowledge and skill development. The scholar must attain highest academic standards.We aim at making children capable of becoming responsible, productive and useful members of a society.The curriculum and co-scholastic here are so composed and designed to achieve all essentials of modern era. The objectives are set to meet overall aims of education, through carefully designed syllabus, materials, resources, methods and assessment procedures.Students are inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open minded,caring, risk takers, balanced and reflective.Our students achieve excellence in learning both within the classroom and beyond.We believe we can make our world a better place to live in.Pravesh

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Director's Message

I am very glad to offer you a chance to be part of this school. The school has been completing its Academic sessions successfully. According to the commitment made to society, the school has done its best to prove itself accurate. I am very happy by listening and knowing the reaction of parents and various other Honorable citizens of the society.We visualize future ready global youth who will enhance society through their scholastic achievements,possess a drive to excel, a compassion and understanding of the complex and uncertain world around them. By providing safe, nurturing school environment and supportive set up, we encourage lifelong learning. Our teachers are professionally proficient and passionate educators who create resources and opportunities that enhance learning among young achievers. Our aim is to encourage children to think independently to be passionate about what they wish to do. To be a learning mode all their lives with knowledge, confidence, compassion and cheer. Children must proceed to make the world a better place than they found it. The main aim of the of the school is to develop the inherited talent of students to develop them useful citizens of society and personalities of high values. I shall be highly obliged to all the great souls in form of students community and all the other attached to the school directly or indirectly for their all possible co-operation during this session too. I feel my success in their satisfaction which they have always expressed. - Jitender Singh

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